Author Topic: Playoffs 1st Round - PICKems & Scores  (Read 2960 times)

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Re: Playoffs 1st Round - PICKems & Scores
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2019, 11:43:07 am »
Presspass. The west would be a huge force, if the Oklahoma Inner city youth league would have a few participate in the INFC.  They talk a lot of trash on Facebook about being the best.

I have seen some of them play and Edmond has scrimmaged them in the past. They aren't quite as good as they brag. The teams I have seen usually have a roster of 50 or 60 (no play counts) and travel from tournament to tournament but do nothing on the weekends (they complained to me that INFC games are always on Saturdays). I'm not sure how they practice much which is why they usually aren't very individually disciplined with the fundamentals of the game. From my personal observation, every play goes through a few studs on the team and that's about it. Also, most of their fields, facilities and equipment aren't on par with most of the INFC teams. I don't know for sure, but I believe that some of the improvement in several of the west teams this year was from large and athletic players moving over from those other leagues to our INFC teams (possibly so they can receive some better individual coaching).
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Edmond Youth Football Association - Volunteer
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